Health Checks, Assessments and Screening
Everyone's needs are different, so we offer a full range of screening packages for physical and psychological health - and all can be tailored to your individual needs.
All these assessments are carried out by our expert doctors themselves from start to finish.
Tests are important, but how we interpret the results of these tests is even more important.
Not only do we make sure you have the relevant tests, our doctors go through every result thoroughly and discuss what they really mean for your health.
“To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”
All of our Health Assessments include:
60 minute appointments with our expert GPs
Full review of current health status, medical & family history and lifestyle
Complete physical examination
The Core Assessment & Blood Test is the foundation for all of our health screening packages - all other packages include and expand upon this.
Core Assessment & Blood Test
Comprehensive analysis of 55 individual blood tests for a detailed insight into your health
Covering Diabetes, Cholesterol, Full Blood Count, Vitamins & Minerals, Iron & Ferritin levels, Thyroid, Kidney & Liver function
Over 40s Assessments & Blood Tests
Male - Core Package + Prostate cancer test (PSA level), Testosterone, Inflammation markers
Female - Core Package + Ovarian cancer testing, Inflammation markers
*Cervical cancer smear testing & full female hormone testing also available as required
Ongoing Tiredness Assessment & Blood Test
Core Package + Inflammation markers, vitamin levels
Auto-immunity tests, gluten sensitivity (coeliac disease) testing
*Male and female hormone testing (e.g. testosterone, oestrogen) also available as required
Cardiac Assessment & Blood Test
Male - Core Package + Extended Cardiac Risk markers Lipoprotein A & ApoB, prostate cancer testing, testosterone, inflammatory markers & minerals
Female - Core Package + Extended Cardiac Risk markers Lipoprotein A & ApoB, ovarian cancer testing, full female hormone testing, inflammatory markers & minerals
The 360° Health Assessment
A full day with our expert team
Extensive body scans, blood, urine, stool tests & cancer tests
CT Coronary Angiogram, Echocardiogram & ECG, MRI abdomen & pelvis, DEXA Body Composition
Breast ultrasound / mammogram for females, cervical cancer smear testing
30 minute follow up appointment with expert GP & comprehensive written report with action plan
Mental Wellbeing Assessment
Optional extra available in conjunction with any package above
60 min assessment with one of our expert Psychologists, analysing areas such as:
Work-life balance
Diet and exercise
Tailoring our Screening Packages
There is no one-size-fits all.
Our approach to health screening is to have comprehensive foundation packages that we personalise with additional tests specifically for you.
The following tests are just a small sample of what we may go on to add following our individualised assessments:
MRI scans - no radiation (e.g. brain, spine, prostate, pancreas)
Ultrasounds e.g. abdomen and pelvis (male & female), neck, or any body area
Breast screening mammograms & ultrasounds
DEXA scans for osteoporosis/bone density and full body composition assessment
Colonoscopies & endoscopies (to look at bowel and stomach in detail)
Carotid doppler or venous duplex ultrasounds leg veins
Cardiac CT angiogram or MRI (to assess blood flow to the heart
ECG (tracing of the heart rhythm)
Echocardiogram (ultrasound scan of the heart to assess function)
Exercise ECG testing
7 or 14-day rhythm monitors
Lung function testing
Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and other sexually transmitted infections
Cervical cancer pap smear tests & HPV testing
Herpes simplex (HSV) testing
In addition to the above we can include almost any blood test, such as:
Male and female hormone panels
Cortisol (stress hormone), insulin levels
Gluten sensitivity testing (coeliac screening)
Cancer markers e.g. ovaries, pancreas, liver, gut, testicular
We work with some of London’s best and most talented specialist consultants to ensure that all further investigations and scans are carried out by experts in their fields.
Our referral partners can usually concierge all of your tests to be done together in the same location, at a time to suit you.
Results are returned quickly, and then we discuss them fully with you allowing time for questions, answers and planning of any next steps.
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